TIL you can still use MSN in 2023 using a few (pretty simple) workarounds. Sadly i haven't got it working on linux yet so i am using a VM.
Step 1: Go to the Escargot website. and make an account.
Step 2: Click here to download the newest client
Step 3: Unzip the zip and follow the very obvious steps. You can do this.
Step 4: Login using your escargot account. so your username will be name@escargot.chat.
Step 4.5: If you can not login to your account it might be because of the password length. MSN had an 10 character password length limit. Go to the the Escargot website. login and go to "Legacy Settings" and then password. Input your account password and then in the Legacy and Confirm boxes a password with a 10 character maximum length. Click change and then try logging in again. Even if you get an error from the escargot site saying your password change failed.
Step 5 (optional): Plugins Go to the site and pick some plugins you want. I recommend Messenger Plus! and Messenger Rich Presence.
Thats it! Pretty easy right?

Also if you want to add me, (totally do that) go add me at DOOM@escargot.chat